Mungkin ini sudah kadaluarsa tapi,untuk membuat koleksi postingan Game . GooBlog ingin memposting Cheat Game 'Counter Strike'. semoga ini berguna buat Gamers 'Counter Strike' yg ingin memakai cheat 'Counter Strike'.
Berikut cheatnya :
give spaceweapon_awp = Arctic sniper rifle
sv_aim = Auto-aim with sniper rifle
sv_gravity = Adjust gravity
gl_zmax <0-9999> = Adjust wall and object density; default is 3600
gl_zmax 0 = See and fire through walls and objects
cl_hidefrags 0 = View other players' frags
cl_forwardspeed 999 = Faster forward motion
cl_backspeed 999 = Faster backwards motion
cl_sidespeed 999 = Faster side motion
changelevel = Level select
give = Get indicated item
skin = Change skins
+reload = Auto-reload enabled
-reload = Auto-reload disabled
lambert = See things brightly without flashlight
mp_c4timer <1-100> = SetC4 timer
sv_clienttrace 9999 = Hyper auto-aim enabled
sv_clienttrace 0000 = Hyper auto-aim disabled
adjust crosshair = Change crosshair color
crosshair <1-5> = Disable the crosshair to enlarge when shooting
mp_freezetime = Set freeze period at the start of rounds. Set to 0 to disable, default is 6/1
mp_roundtime <3-15> = Set maximum length in minutes a round can last, default is 51
mp_friendlyfire<0 or 1> = Toggle friendly fire
mp_timelimit = Set minutes between map rotations, default is 01
mp_footsteps <0 or 1> = Toggle footsteps, default is 1/1
mp_flashlight <0 or 1> = Toggle flashlight use, default is 1/1
cl_observercrosshair <0 or 1> = Toggle crosshairs in observer mode, default is 1
timeleft = Reveal how much time is left on the map
dm <0 or 1> = Toggle map briefings after new levels load, default is 1
ghosts <0 or 1> = Toggle to see ghosts in observer mode, default is 0
ah <0 or 1> = Toggle auto-help hint messages, default is 1
sv_clienttrace 999999999 = All shots will hit, default is 1
impulse101 $16,000
r_lightmap 1 = Whiten all surroundings at 800x600 resolution
net_graph <0 or 1> = Toggle graph
cvarlist or cmdlist = List cheat commands, press [Page Up] or [Page Down] to scroll
unbind = Unbind key command
kill = Suicide
-numericping = Show ping as numbers
sv_airaccelerate -9999 = Fast Jumping
God = Makes you invincible
mp_startmoney 16000 = Start with 16000
hud_fastswitch (0 or 1) = Allows you to toggle switching weapons faster
sv_wateraccelerate 999 = Allows to walk faster in water
sv_waterfriction = sets the friction in water
sv_wateraccelerate = sets how fast you accelerate in water
sv_stopspeed = sets how fast you stop running
sv_friction = sets the friction of the game
sv_clipmode 1 = no clipping
sv_airaccelerate = sets how fast you accelerate in air
mp_startmoney = change your starting money in-game!
mp_c4timer = sets time on C4 charge
mp_buytime = sets time to buy items
sv_maxspeed = set max running speed
sv_accelerate = sets acceleration
sv_cheats 1 = cheats on
sv_bounce = ???unknown
pausable 1 = enables pausing(not reccomended)
mp_roundtime = sets round time
mp_flashlight 1 = flashlight on
mp_autokick 1 = turn on auto kick in game
mp_allowmonsters 1 = single player enemies visible
coop = sets the mode to co-op
deathmatch = sets the mode to deathmatch
net_address = Shows server IP and port
hud_deathnoticetime 9999 = Shows the last 4 kills of either team
sv_restartround 1 = The game restarts after 1 second
gl_spriteblend <0-1> = Enables blood thickening
decalfrequency 0 = Enables unlimited spraying
Bot_zombie 1 = Bots Become Zombies
Notarget = Invisible To Enemies
Fly = Enables You To Fly
noclip = Go Through Walls
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